As has become the start of a habit, I've organized a tweet archive, so sharing it. It's slightly more cleaned up than last time, but still raw-esque.
A ton of folks shared the gems that resonated with them. Special thanks to Dharmesh Shah, Cindy Alvarez and Ali Sohani for especially rocking it.
A few decks:
Eric Ries (@ericries) slides
Steve Blank (@sgblank) slides & stream
Hiten Shah (@hnshah) slides
Drew Houston (@drewhouston ) slides (dropbox)
Kent Beck (@kentbeck) slides & stream
9:00 AM
Welcome and Opening
Eric Ries
Host, Startup Lessons Learned
"There has never been a better time in the history of the world to be an entrepreneur." #sllconf (via @dharmesh)
"You are all very strange early adopters of a new idea." @ericries at #sllconf (via @dharmesh)
"In #startups, the product & customer are unknown." #sllconf #leanstartup @ericries Test your hypothesis, be adaptive (via @alisohani)
"In lean transformation, Q#1 is which activies are value-creating and which ones are a waste @ericries
"Value = validated learning about customers" @ericries
Myth #1: "Lean means cheap". Lean startups is NOT about cost, its is about speed. #sllconf #LeanStartup @ericries (via @dharmesh)
There is no substitute for a #vision. Data/ #Metrics separates delusion from vision. #sllconf #LeanStartup @ericries (via @johnprendergast)
BUILD – Agile, Continuous Deployment
9:30 AM to 10:20 AM
Build: Keynote – “To Agility, and Beyond”
Kent Beck
Three Rivers Institute
Those who yet don't get it, #LeanStartup is for #Startups to do #Agile #ProdMgmt & #CustDev, like #Evolution in nature. (via @alisohani)
The gist of #leanstartup is about adaptability. #sllconf (via @JoshNursing)
If your idea seems really plausible & true, then you don't really have a good startup idea. @kentbeck #sllconf #leanstartup (via @alisohani)
"Start with what you want to learn, and work backwards to the build" @kentbeck #sllconf #leanstartup (via @scottporad)
"Most startup failures are due to untested assumptions." #sllconf #leanstartup Challenge them, test #hypothesis (via @leonardkish)
How quickly can a startup expect to go from concept to product release? @kentbeck #sllconf #leanstartup (via @alisohani)
Product Dev gets in the way of customer learning. #ContinuousDeployment shortens the dev cycle. #sllconf #agile (via @BrainHuddle)
"A number of those failed startups of mine were building...carefully polished products that nobody ever actually bought" @kentbeck #sllconf (via @cindyalvarez)
Optimize for your team as a whole, not for your own individual performance @kentbeck #sllconf (via @cindyalvarez)
Turn your focus from optimizing what you're good at, to optimizing what the team wants to acheive. #sllconf (via @saintsal)
From very start focusing on a "good engineering" in #startups is "self serving" - @KentBeck #sllconf #leanstartup #custdev (via @alisohani)
Fix the code when you need to, from hackery to scale - @kentbeck From prototype to well finished quality. (via @alisohani)
'Your code is messy. get over it.' @kentbeck #sllconf Sooner you accept the reality, you're off to cure the real problem. (via @benrigby)
'The key thing is figuring out when to switch from hackery to scalability' - @kentbeck #sllconf #leanstartup (via @benrigby)
Build half a product, see if anyone wants it. Spending few months is better than a year to find that out. #sllconf (via @gabek)
'Is anyone going to click the buy button? Find out 1st before you code the #PaymentSystem.' - @kentbeck #sllconf (via @benrigby)
Removing bad features=good, not building them in the first place=PRICELESS #sllconf #LeanStartup (via @johnprendergast)
Having a paying customer is a better measure of progress in #startups; technical success doesn't mean jack #sllconf (via @alisohani)
"Collaborating with customers is much better than selling them software." - kent beck #sllconf #LeanStartup (via @benrigby)
Don't want the company to fail fast, want the bad ideas to fail fast & make room for the new #sllconf #LeanStartup (via @dcian)
#LeanStartup: @kentbeck revises the #Agile #Manifesto (for #startups) #sllconf (via @alisohani)
10:20 AM to 10:40 AM
Continuous Deployment Case Study: WiredReach
Ash Maurya
Don't focus on coolness of the feature, but whether it solves the consumers' problem. @ashmaurya #sllconf #leanstartup (via @jeantessier)
Before prod-market fit, hard to validate features quantitatively. We ask customers how new it helped. @ashmaurya #sllconf (via @cindyalvarez)
When 3+ customers show pain, don't deploy features until previous ones are validated @ashmaurya #sllconf (via @DaveChurchville)
Features must be pulled, not pushed. They must be validated first. #sllconf #LeanStartup #CustDev #ProdMgmt (via @darrellbrogdon)
Working in small steps & actively monitoring allowed us to learn more frequently, & adjust course. @ashmaurya #sllconf (via @saintsal)
Customer-suggested feature - we pushed it out to JUST the requester & asked if it solved their prob. @ashmaurya #sllconf (via @cindyalvarez)
Continuous deployment is incremental & takes time to get good at (so start as early as possible) @ashmaurya #sllconf (via @cindyalvarez)
Release cycle time under 30mins (we did this by adding more QA boxes) - @ashmaurya #sllconf (via @cindyalvarez)
"Scariest thing for us [w/continuous deployment] was feeling of no safety net" @ashmaurya #sllconf (via @cindyalvarez)
10:40 AM – 11:00 AM
Agile Development Case Study: Grockit
Farb Nivi
If ppl are used to idea that 'tomorrow everything may be different', it's a lot easier when it's tomorrow & everything is different #sllconf (via @cindyalvarez)
#CustDev validates your intuition when data agrees w/ you & validates your wisdom when it doesn't - Nivi. #sllconf (via @adityatuli)
Describing work to developers in #narrative form produces fewer #bugs. #sllconf #leanstartup #UserStories Nivi (via @scottporad)
Build a narrative that tells the story of your users; don't use your tools as just a developer to-do list. #sllconf Farbood Nivi (via @kkoym)
Pair 70-80% of the time. Rest spent on spikes and chores. #sllconf Farbood Nivi
Interview for engineer at Grockit: a half day of pairing. "Do you want to continue pairing with the candidate?" #sllconf (via @mccloo)
Forgot to mention that we started and ended a deploy to production in the ten minutes before my Agile Software Dev presentation @sllconf :) (via @farbood)
11:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Case Study: “But Does It Scale?”
Tim Fitz
James Birchler
Brett G. Durrett
Use (good) #metrics, #iterate quickly, accept failures, value everyone's work. #sllconf #imvu (via @troyangrignon)
Great #startups #culture: Accept failures, encourage experimentation, have a post-mortem, move on. #sllconf #agile (via @orchid8)
Passion for customer validation is great. Obsession for immediate validation can distract you. #sllconf #CustDev (via @jordanmuela)
"Don't ignore your customers, but don't expect them to design your product." #sllconf #leanstartup #custdev (via @freemarmoset)
Hack week: Anyone can work on anything, but at the end of week, "ship it or kill it" #sllconf #imvu (via @dharmesh)
You can release the code (get it out), but you don't have to release the feature. Run-time config is your friend. #sslconf #imvu (via @dharmesh)
"ah ha" moment is really "oh crap" moment. Who hasn't had those? "we hired smart people who can't change our code" #sllconf (via @cwodtke)
Continuous Deployment at IMVU: Doing the impossible fifty times a day. « Timothy Fitz #sllconf (via @stewtopia)
@cwodtke: If you haven't read it, it's a must: Maker's Schedule, Manager's Schedule #sllconf
11:30 AM – 12:15 PM
But What About Design?
Andrew Chen
Siqi Chen
Laura Klein
Dave McClure
Rashmi Sinha
Great design is about storytelling more than about visual presentation or engineering - @davemcclure #leanstartup #sllconf (via @_iamfm)
"You should be optimizing for user happiness & business value" - @davemcclure #sllconf #leandesign (via @cindyalvarez)
"Make the user respond emotionally in a way that makes you money." @davemcclure #sllconf @dharmesh #leanstartup (via @alisohani)
"Hate is a better #signal than indifference. You can #iterate around hate better." - @davemcclure #sllconf #leandesign @techranch (via @alisohani)
Find a small group of lovers & haters and iterate around that. Indifference is the enemy. @davemcclure #sllconf #leandesign (via @wizard_71)
You can't create fun experiences by iterating based on data. Use data to confirm hypotheses -- not formulate them. #sllconf Siqi Chen (via @dharmesh)
"Initial hypothesis is creative, confirmation and validation of idea is analytic" #sllconf @davemcclure (via @asgrodd)
"Design is the way that you express your vision" @rashmi at #sslconf (via @dharmesh)
You need the designer to be part of the development team, not just hand-off the design -- @lauraklein #sllconf (via @ultrasaurus)
'Designers should be intimately familiar w/ biz objectives (#businessmodel) & #metrics goals' #sllconf #leandesign (via @benrigby)
Iterate around the marketing (Educating users, uplifting) as much as the product. #leandesign #sllconf #custdev (via @mainwilk)
" product was late. Meanwhile, launched a blog first and created a bunch of content to drive visitors. @davemcclure #sllconf (LOVE IT) (via @dharmesh)
"Most people think great #design is about how things look. Great design is about how things work." - #SteveJobs #sllconf (via @alisohani)
Get it straight: Test/Work on the riskiest thing first! - @davemcclure #sllconf #leanstartup #leandesign #custdev (via @bigs)
"Spend time to #design 1st 5 mins #UX." it's user realizing quick whether "this is for me" #sllconf #leandesign Siqi Chen (via @adityatuli)
Do #Face2Face #UserTesting to get the customers impressions #sllconf #leandesign Laura Klein (via @BrainHuddle)
Minimum Viable Product (business model) vs. Minimum Desirable Product (Engagement, love) Andrew Chen #sllconf (via @dharmesh)
@jerepick: For example, an airplane? RT @alisohani: Build half a product, see if anyone wants it. @gabek #sllconf
@jerepick: Isn't this a formula for getting stuck in local maxima? How do you avoid that? RT @alisohani: 'dont push features. optimize existing ones
@alisohani: Point is not to build crappy product, but to iterate it fast w/ customers to achieve quality #MinimumViableProduct
Book @davemcclure mentioned - The Mating Mind: How Sexual Choice Shaped the Evolution of Human Nature #sllconf (via @stewtopia)
MEASURE – Pivot, Minimum Viable Product
1:15 PM – 2:00 PM
Conversation: Getting to Plan B
Randy Komisar
I want to invest in people that are irrationally committed to solving a really big problem. #sllconf (via @dharmesh)
@ericries: "Did you ever see a Plan A work?" Randy Komisar: "No" #sllconf (via @cindyalvarez)
"The plan B process never ends. Paypal scored on plan G" - Randy Komisar #SLLconf #sllconfboi (via @alisohani)
"Is entrepreneurship a good way to make money? Statistically, no. It's a great way to live your life, though." #sllconf Komisar (via @codypo)
Entrepreneurship is a #lab; we don't know exactly what we're doing, we know why we care - Komisar #sllconf @mavenroger (via @alisohani)
Important for entrepreneurs: Know where you're going, but be fluid on how you gonna get there - Randy Komisar #sllconf (via @stempm)
By the time you decide to make a change, you're going to wish you had changed earlier. #sllconf (via@dharmesh)
"If it takes you 6 months to measure, you're measuring the wrong things" - Komisar #sllconf (via @cindyalvarez)
"The problem you are solving points you to your customer" - Randy Komisar #sllconf (via @shyamster)
I want somebody who is going to use as little of my time and money to get to the right answer. - Randy Komisar, Kleiner Partner #sllconf (via @startupsrule)
"Keep three thing that might kill your business in your sight everyday" - Randy Komisar #sllconf (via @shyamster)
Data doesn't support the Deferred Lifeplan. Live your life to the fullest pursuing your passions & people you <3 - Randy Komisar #sllconf (via @alisohani)
"Most of #SandHillRd now think themselves as investors, not as risk takers & company builders." #sllconf (via @mikemoir)
2:00 PM – 2:20 PM
Minimum Viable Product Case Study: Aardvark
Damon Horowitz
Max Ventilla
"Process: assume you are wrong (you'll be right about that, at least)" - Damon Horowitz #sllconf (via @cindyalvarez)
Everyone thinks about a hockey stick in terms of user growth, try thinking about it in terms of engineering progress. @ventilla #sllconf (via @jordanmuela)
When "Goal is to minimize #risk of catastrophic fail" - only way is to maximize trials. - @ventilla #sllconf (via @cindyalvarez)
Principles Aardvark used to create their product: Minimize risks, Maximize trials, Be Patient (via @BrainHuddle)
Aardvark used 6-12 user to try things out every week for 9 months #sllconf (via @BrainHuddle)
Aardvark did 'Wizard of Oz' testing where people pretended to be the product - result: a $7.5m round 9 months later #leanstartup #sllconf (via @sumitguha)
For 9 months, #Aardvark powered by humans, pretends to be a #RecSys #HCIR. Actual software took over very gradually. #sllconf (via @alisohani)
Part of your job as entrepreneur is to be barraged by ideas and opposing viewpoints: Aardvark #sllconf (via @martinertl)
People joining a startup should understand that they're getting on an already sinking ship . #sllconf Max Ventilla (via @dharmesh)
Startup is sinking ship from day 1, you WILL piss off some users. No way around it. Need thicker skin. #sllconf (via @jeantessier)
Turn away really good hires that don't believe in the vision #sllconf @ventilla (via @akumar)
Good to be in a startup: "people who are type A that want to be proven wrong" #sllconf (via @kkoym)
"The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Social Search Engine" @vark - (expand) (.pdf) #sllconf #sllconfboi (via @ericshaver)
"A dominant theme of entrepreneurship should be gratefulness. Be grateful for your advisors, users, your team, etc." #sllconf (via @codypo)
2:20 PM – 2:40 PM
Pivot Case Study: Flowtown
Ethan Bloch
Dan Martell
You have to get real users in front of a prototype as early as possible. Ethan/Dan at #sllconf (via @dharmesh)
"This is such a good idea, how could you kill it?" "But you don't even use it!" - @ebloch #sllconf (via @cindyalvarez)
Prototype fast, validate learning; when you pivot, pivot hard; keep iterating; keep validating problem (via @troyangrignon)
Get around the feedback loop as soon as possible #sllconf @flowtown (via @BrainHuddle)
Validating ideas gets you closer to the probability of success @flowtown (via @BrainHuddle)
"The 'bullshit bar' - if you don't hit this metric, something is wrong" - @ebloch #sllconf (via @cindyalvarez)
2:40 PM – 3:00 PM
Pivot Case Study: KISSMetrics
Hiten Shah
"We wanted to target everyone... this ended up being a problem." @hnshah about early versions of KISSmetrics #sllconf (via @cindyalvarez)
Start with customer pain; listen for truth; cut features; product can be crappier than you think. (via @troyangrignon)
100 features down to 25" .. Less really is more. Build the 20% that matters. @hnshah #sllconf (via @jaspanesar)
"If it's going to take you longer than a month to get your product into customer's hands, rethink it." @hnshah #sllconf (via @dharmesh)
True sign of great product design -- when people smile like babies (, using your product for the first time. :) @hnshah #sllconf (via @stempm)
Build metrics around people, not numbers #sllconf #KISSMetrics (via @AnuragMisra)
"If you're not tracking real people, you're not tracking actionable metrics." @hnshah #sllconf (via @robangarita)
"I recommend that you write shit down" -- @hnshah KISSmetrics #sllconf (via @ultrasaurus)
"Hunt for patterns. There's always patterns in customer feedback." @hnshah #sllconf (via @shyamster)
"Less time on features, more on understanding customer needs" - @hnshah #sllconf (via @robslifka)
"People who DIDN'T use our product actually the ones who gave us most valuable information" (to get to current KM pivot) @hnshah #sllconf (via @cindyalvarez)
"Don't try and bias a customer into a solution. Let them guide you, don't guide them" @hnshah @kissmetrics #sllconf (via @benjaminm)
Did you know YouTube was once a dating site? Massive "customer needs" pivot. - @hnshah #sllconf (via @cindyalvarez)
Turning products company into consulting company doesnt work and does not scale. (KissMetrics lessons learned @hnshah) #sllconf (via @stempm)
Customizability requires hand-holding. #sllconf @hnshah (via @dharmesh)
LEARN – Customer Development
3:30 PM – 4:15 PM
Customer Development 2.0
Steve Blank
"No business plan survives first contact with customers." @sgblank #sllconf (via @christianhobbs)
"At startups, you search and pivot. At companies, you execute." @sgblank #sllconf (via @GregOsuri)
Startups *search* for the business model. Companies are about *execution* of the business model. @sgblank #sllconf (via @m2jr)
Startups are about metrics, not accounting. #sllconf (via @jenbee)
"Startups are all about testing hypotheses" - @sgblank #sllconf #sllconfboi (via @ericshaver)
A Startup is a an organization designed to identify a scalable business model. Startups search, companies execute. (via @henretig)
"You fail if you remain a startup" #sllconf @sgblank (via @robangarita)
PM in startups vs established company. Hypothesis testing & pivoting vs MRD's & competitive analysis #sllconf #leanstartup (via @cwodtke)
If you're not showing your metrics to another adult, it's just brownian motion. #sllconf @sgblank (via @jeantessier)
Three stages: search for model, build model, grow model. Do this fast. E-school helps with stage 1. Let's build it. #sllconf Steve Blank. (via @troyangrignon)
"If all your board is asking about is balance sheet/cash flow/income, you've got the wrong board" @sgblank #sllconf (via @cindyalvarez)
"While you are searching for a business model your company is WORTHLESS" -- Steve Blank #sllconf (via @rowansimpson)
$500K is the new $5M - @sgblank #sllconf (via @jimmurphy)
We need e-school -- not b-school. We need to teach entrepreneurial skills not business manager skills. #sllconf (via @dharmesh)
Why don't founders make it to the large company stage? Skills need to search are different than the skills needed to execute #sllconf (via @BrainHuddle)
"The proliferation + success of accelerators should be an embarassment to univerisities everywhere." @sgblank at #sllconf (via @ericries)
There are 5.7 million small businesses in the U.S. with < 500 employees. 99.7% of ALL companies. @steveblank #sllconf (via @dharmesh)
@ultrasaurus: truth is pivot is not failing - pivoting and closing is failing :) #sllconf
Steve Blank just said a high proportion of entrepreneurs come from dysfunctional families. Now its making sense...#sllconf (via @djsiry)
4:15 PM – 4:35 PM
Is Customer Development Marketing? Food on the Table Case Study
Manuel Rosso
"If it takes you a month to get statistically significant sample, you need more traffic" @manuelrosso #sllconf (via @cindyalvarez)
"Conscious naivete" - perspective=let the customer guide you, don't think we have all the answers - @manuelrosso #sllconf (via @cindyalvarez)
Both Aardvark and Food on the Table used #tdd's "fake it, till you make it" w/ humans on backend before coding apps #leanstartup #sllconf (via @nickbarendt)
4:35 PM – 4:55 PM
Customer Development Case Study: Dropbox
Drew Houston
"Not launching = painful, not learning = fatal" - @drewhouston at #sllconf -- think #growthmindset! (via @dlschweizer)
Build something you want, focus tight, bribe new customers, work on virality (via @troyangrignon)
If you don't think you've a problem, you aren't going to be searching for a solution. - @drewhouston #DropBox #sllconf @ultrasaurus (via @alisohani)
"We spent all of our energy and resources making the simplest, most elegant product we could make." @drewhouston #sllconf (via @dharmesh)
"Search is a way to harvest demand not create it." - @drewhouston #sllconf (via @SarahM)
Dropbox's initial customer acquisition attempt (being Traditional, using SEM) cost $233-$388/user #sllconf (via @dsldsl)
Users have sent 2.8 million invites to try DropBox. #sllconf (via @dharmesh)
Beta list for Dropbox waiting list jumped from 5,000 to 75,000 in one day #sllconf (via @MiA_Will)
Dropbox also saw an increase in signups of 60% when they added 2-way bonus for referrals (referrer and referee) #sllconf (via @dsldsl)
"Dropbox's MVP was a 3 minute screencast made in my apartment in cambridge." @drewhouston (#DropBox) #sllconf (via @dharmesh)
"Learn early. Learn often." - Drew Houston #sllconf (via @lauraklein)
VC: "There are 1M storage companies already!" @drewhouston: "Do you use any of them?" VC: "No" <--mkt oppty! #sllconf (@cindyalvarez)
Dropbox 100.000 to many millions of users and no advertising spend. #sllconf (via @vladstan)
4:55 PM – 5:15 PM
Customer Development Case Study: PBWorks
David Weekly
"Humility about knowledge coupled with hubris about ability to learn #growthmindset! #sllconf (via @dlschweizer)
"I have no idea what the bloody hell I'm doing!" makes for a pretty good #entrepreneur @dweekly #sllconf (via @cindyalvarez)
You really want to talk to your users -- even if you think you know who they are and what they want. @dweekly #sllconf (via @dharmesh)
The only way to know what hypotheses to test is customer face time. @dweekly #sllconf (via @saintsal)
"Review user test videos with your team to inspire product improvements. - @dweekly #sllconf @jamesbirchler (via @alisohani)
PB Wiki: From $50/yr to $50K/yr per cust - orders of magnitude - by listening to cust. and using value based pricing (via @troyangrignon)
In an overpopulated keyword search world, old fashined word of a mouth is your best bet for generating converting leads. @dweekly #sllconf (via @stempm)
5:15 PM – 6:00 PM
Customer Development Panel: “But Who Should Actually Get Out of the Building?”
Cindy Alvarez, KISSMetrics
David Binetti, Votizen
Brant Cooper, Market By Numbers
Sean Ellis, 12in6
Matt Johnson, Grockit
"If someone put a gun to your head, and said I need you to launch the product in a month. Could you do it?"- @dbinetti. I love #sllconf (via @AnuragMisra)
"Get out of your own way, pull the trigger & ride the bullet" - David Binetti #sllconf #leanstartup #custdev #prodmgmt (via @alisohani)
"If a product isn't a must have, it will be a struggle to market it" -- @SeanEllis #sllconf @ultrasaurus #LeanStartup (via @alisohani)
"Must have products make the marketer look good" - @seanellis #sllconf (via @shyamster)
"Just Ask: how are you doing it now? - you'll learn a lot about user pain" - @cindyalvarez #sllconf #custdev #leanstartup (via @alisohani)
"The way to get organic and sustainable growth is to have truly happy users where your product is solving their needs" @seanellis #sllconf (via @craigdaniel)
"One of the hardest things for entrepreneurs is to give up on opportunities to focus on a specific one." @seanellis #sllconf (via @williampietri)
Don't do PR until product validated by customers -@dbinetti -@seanellis; @brantcooper agrees, but asks what R your objectives #sllconf (via @mainwilk)
If you dont know what you are selling, dont do PR. Spend on research and user validation. #sllconf #marketing (via @stempm)
MiA_Will: Good point: Don't use PR too early as it does'nt help u find a sustainable business model, but do use when it matches ur objectives #sllconf
Don't worry about small markets. Once you dominate it, you can pivot to adjacent markets. @brantcooper #sllconf (via @saintsal)
@spkrause: impressed by the sheer variety of techniques used by practitioners to find mvp and prod-mkt fit. #sllconf
And a few other general tweets
@cindyalvarez: yay recursion! RT @asgrodd "product market fit" has achieved product market fit #sllconf
@dharmesh: Think about the second derivative. Are you accelerating your learning? #sllconf
Just because you can build something that scales doesn't make it valuable. #sllconf #leanstartup (via @startupsrule)
@jonesabi: Remember when you pivot you keep one foot on the ground. Otherwise thats called traveling. #sllconf
@alisohani: "Every feature is a #hypothesis, build logging for each feature w/ expected outcomes. #FeedbackLoop as fast as possible" #sllconf @benjaminm
@FakeErinMcKean: I love how the lean startup approach rewards humility & honesty over macho posturing & bluster. #sllconf
@dharmesh: "To test your idea, you can use a human to take the place of a product. You don't have to build it." #sllconf
@darrellbrogdon: Unexpected happiness translates into people telling their friends. #sllconf
@cwodtke: I think ppl skip customer discovery in established companies, which leads to overserving a shrinking market #sllconf
@guyhirsch: #custdev is like looking 4 a job: full of awkward moments & asking favors, but once u find 1 its scalable #sllconf
@stempm: innovative mkt research: Buy competitor sucks keywords + research why they suck. Use it to understand the market need. #sllconf
@isaachall: Nobody said this, yet my biggest take-away from #sllconf today is love & passion. Thanks @ericries!